Friday, July 10, 2015

Course Syllabus

Course Outline:
During this course, students will engage in the studies of living things based on standards that will fulfill graduation and the University of California entrance requirements. Students will gain an in depth knowledge of biology by studying topics built around Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology, Physiology, and Evolution. Concepts and skills will be reinforced by a strong emphasis on hands-on activities laboratory experiences.

Course Expectations:
This course will encourage positive lifestyle choices that promote a healthy individual, family, community, and life. Students will be expected to attend class regularly and students will not be given any make-up work, quizzes, or tests without proper documentation (i.e. doctor’s note, re-admit). To demonstrate mastery of the California Biology standards, students will be given weekly assessments and exams at the end of each unit.

Topics we will cover:
Scientific Method
Cellular Biology

Class Rules:
Be on time
Be prepared
Be respectful of your teacher and your classmates
Follow all school rules and policies

Classroom Management:
1st consequence - Verbal warning
2nd consequence - Lunch detention 
3rd consequence - Phone call home
4th consequence - Parent teacher conference
5th consequence - Referral 

There is a zero tolerance cell phone policy in my class. If I see it, I take it. If i have to take it twice in one week, you will be required to give me your phone at the beginning of each period for five days. If i have to take it away again then I will inform your parents/guardians and give it to the administration where they will hold it until after school. There will be times I will ask you to use your phones for research (as an instructional tool), otherwise your phone should stay on vibrate or silent and remain in your pockets, purses or backpacks. 

How to use school loop:
* Set up user name and password (if you forgot password I can reset it for you)
* Sign in to check grades, calendar, and use resources in the class folder 
* There is a folder for each unit of the class. These folders are extremely beneficial for you so use them!!! 
* E-mail me questions/concerns via loopmail (parents can also e-mail on this)
* You will be required to prove to me that you know your password and can sign on to your school loop. 
* There is an app for that!!! Use the school loop app to always stay up to date with things that are happening in class (due dates, materials, resources, etc.)

Paramount home page; click login to access school loop

Tutorial period is for students to have an extra 25 minutes once a week for each class to either catch up on missing work or to improver their current grade. Every teacher has a different tutorial policy. My tutorial policy is that everyone will stay in. I will give you an assignment (usually a short one) to complete. When you are done with the assignment you will be free to leave. The idea behind this is that everyone will have the opportunity to improve his or her grade (yes, even if you have an A, you will thank me later). 

Bell Schedules
Tutorial Calendar

What you need for this class:
Two composition books (1 for each semester, no 3-ring or spiral)
Pencils and pens
Colored pencils/markers
Glue stick

Grade calculation and weighting:
All grades will be based on a variety of in-class assignments, quizzes, tests, homework, participation, and reports. Grades are decided using the following weighted point system. 

Assignments:                             Weighting:
Tests and quizzes                        20%
Classwork                                   35%
Projects                                       10%
Labs                                            20%
Final                                            15%

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