Water Conservation Digital Story

Water Conservation Digital Story

Water conservation isn't being taken seriously enough in our country. The U.S. uses more water per capita than any other country in the world. We use 40% of our water just on crops alone. Water covers roughly 71% of our world. About 97% of water makes up oceans, 2% is fresh water packed as ice, leaving 1% as our other source of fresh water in the form of rain, moisture and snow. We are pumping water out of the ground faster than our Earth can replenish itself. Our water reserves are lower than ever recorded in history. We need to do a better job of doing what we can to conserve water. If we all do a little bit, we can conserve more than we think. People need to be educated and actively exercise water conservation strategies. Here are some links you can research that will help you be a super water saver! 

Take a tour on how you can save water in your home:

Education, tips, and news on how to save water:

100+ ways to conserve water:

National geographic video on water conservation:

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